Embark on a Journey Toward Holistic Healing
Providing Chiropractic and Nutritional Therapy Services
Embark on a Journey Toward Holistic Healing
Providing Chiropractic and Nutritional Therapy Services
Embark on a Journey Toward Holistic Healing
Providing Chiropractic and Nutritional Therapy Services
Your Partner in Health and Wellness
Welcome to Proactive Healthcare Wellness and Injury Management.
Proactive Healthcare is a family oriented full-service rehab-based wellness service offering cutting edge chiropractic and rehab-based techniques including supreme quality nutritional therapy.
The reputation of Dr. Lucas DC has been to provide high quality individualized care to everyone from kids to professional athletes.
Dr. Lucas DC is currently providing service in two locations.
An office in the Willow Glen suburb of San Jose, CA and a mobile Concierge service in Reno, NV.

“My reputation is that I fix things that others cannot. I have achieved this reputation because I am willing to spend the necessary time to make sure that the work performed is performed correctly. I do this through a series of checks and balances throughout the office visit. Most doctors, especially chiropractors do not do this. Each person is unique therefore my work is unique to each individual. There is no cookie cutter work performed in this office.
I am a Professional Applied Kinesiologist (PAK) and a Certified Extremity Practitioner (CCEP).
PAK is a formatted set of function-based diagnostic and treatment protocols. The objective is to improve functionality. Because of PAK I work in a neurologic model which means that the outcome measure during office visits is to enhance neuro-muscular balance through the entire body. By the end of treatments people are more in balance and have improved strength and range of motion. I typically look for and clear out what I call the “global wear pattern” before I work on the specific area of complaint. I have found that almost all symptoms are related to a person’s global wear pattern. More about this in the chiropractic section.”

Wellness Step 2
Whole food nutrition supplements strategically applied to promote healing and improve metabolism.