
The Proactive Wellness Approach

Nutrition is not dieting, but instead a combination of eating the proper foods for healthy support of your metabolism. I believe in using whole food supplementation and lifestyle and eating strategies that will reconfigure and balance your personal biochemistry. In the process, your body will heal, rejuvenate, and your metabolic engine will run more efficiently. Through the process people will lose weight slowly and naturally, lower and balance their cholesterol levels, improve their metabolism, rejuvenate the way they choose and eat foods and overall improve their health and vitality.

I primarily use the supplement line. They are the oldest supplement company in the country and they grow food on their farms which they use to make supplements.  Their philosophy is to preserve and deliver nutrients they way nature intended. They offer over 90 supplement formulas and an additional 90 herbal formulas.

Using bio- feedback, and a variety of empirical testing we can find the correct formulas to get your system back on track. Combining chiropractic care with nutrition and energy work is a well-rounded holistic approach to improving health.

If you would like to get your system working better, or there is a pressing health issue your dealing with, or you would like to reduce pharmaceutical drug dependency, we can design a customized supplement plan to help you improve your overall health.



The Proactive healthcare philosophy is to help people get back on track to using nutrition as a tool to improve their health. As a culture, Americans have been misled by the food industry and, in the process, as a nation, have become unhealthy.

As a nation, we eat poor-quality foods that have been stripped of nutrients. We do not consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables. Many of us get our whole grains from instant rice, refined wheat bread, pasta, and cereal. We eat a tremendous amount of prepackaged, pre-made meals. One-quarter of Americans eat at least one meal at fast food restaurants each day. The average American diet consists of over 3000 calories per day and is comprised of too much bad fat, refined sugar, and starch. The bottom line…..Americans are overfed and undernourished.

What is the Process

My philosophy is to keep things as simple as possible.  But, sometimes it is important to be thorough.

I like to use bio feed techniques when interpreting the bodies needs.  I use two primary techniques and for me the overlap between the two gives a good interpretation of the bodies primary deficiency and need. My two go to techniques are called Nutritional response Testing (How the nervous system responds to positive and negative energies)  and Morphogenic Field Testing (Measuring the energy field the nervous system creates around the physical body).

In both techniques we use the bodies nervous system to help guide us through the process. But other information is important as well.  History taking can include any of the following: Health questionnaires, body function indexes, adrenal function tests, food sensitivity tests, hair analysis, gut flora tests and  blood work up.

Combining all this information helps narrow down your functional imbalance profile and aids in drafting an accurate diet and supplement regimen.


Nutrition Protocols:

General multivitamin and mineral protocols

10 day and 21 day cleansing and purification programs

Endocrine support programs

Blood sugar management protocols

Immune health programs

Diet deficiency support program

A picture of several test vials


If you have any questions about how Dr. Mark can help you with your specific issue please send an email or call to set up a free phone consultation.

Over the years, the methodology of this office has had great success with restoring normal function of these serious conditions: High Blood Pressure, Endocrine Disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Liver Disease (jaundice), Prostate and Uterus/Ovary issues, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety and Attention Deficit Disorder, Metal/Chemical Toxicities.

Other conditions with great success: Acid Reflux/Heart Burn, Adult Onset Diabetes, Allergies, Asthma, Athletic Injuries, Arthritis, Auto Immune Disorders, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Neck and Back Pain, Colitis, Crohn's Disease, Disk Injuries, Emotional Stress, fibromyalgia, Food Allergies, Glandular Imbalances, Headaches, High Cholesterol/triglycerides, Hormonal Imbalances, Immune Suppression, Irritable Bowel, Migraines, Motor-Coordination Impairments, Molds/Fungus/Parasites, PMS, Pre/Post Surgery Recovery, Scoliosis, Stress and Tension-Related Problems, Sprain/Strains, Sugar Handling Issues, Tendonitis, Thyroid disorders, TMJ Problems, Weight Loss.