Addressing Your Health and Wellness Needs
Bringing 22+ years of experience in chiropractic rehab/wellness to the Reno area. I have made a career of delivering quality service that is personalized to the specific needs of each client.
I focus on whole body strategies that improve functionality, promote efficient healing and recovery from injuries. I have mastered dozens of techniques in chiropractic adjusting, muscle therapy, healing lasers, energy work, physio-therapy, exercise therapy and nutritional therapy.
The key component of this service is to provide you and your family with convenient quality focused health care. The best part is I come to you.
Choose from one of four plans:
Basic care:
Bi weekly or monthly ½ hour sessions focused on fundamental chiropractic care.
Wellness Care:
Bi weekly or monthly 1 hour sessions with a broader focus on fundamental chiropractic/neuro energy care including a wellness oriented nutrition and diet strategy.
Family Wellness Care:
Bi weekly or monthly sessions customized to the needs of your family.

General support:
A general retainer for on call service as needed.
All chiropractic work revolves around my adjusting strategy of removing the axial torque that builds up in the body. This includes Thai based deep tissue work, Manual stretching and range of motion therapy and standard physiotherapy modalities.
Wellness work includes neuro energy care which supports the energy side of the body. Over my career I have developed several protocols using healing lasers to balance the visceral organ system through the meridian system. This is similar to acupuncture, but there are no needles involved. The healing lasers provide a bio identical energy frequency at the optimal healing frequency of the body. This work is performed with an outcome measure of enhancing the neuro energy field around the body. When the neuro energy field is enhanced the nervous system and the physical body/organs are better aligned and running more efficient.
More can be learned about this process on the free 30 minute consult.
The Concierge model:
The concierge model is designed to allow the focus of care to be on healthcare not insurance billing. After your annual plan is designed a 50% retainer is paid to assure your family will be part of a fixed number of clients. Once the retainer is met all other billing will be processed thru check or credit cards. Each Plan is an annual plan. Insurance billing receipts will be provided after each session and will reflect the care delivered. These receipts will be coded so if you choose you can submit to your insurance company for direct reimbursement. I am an out of network provider and have no affiliation with any insurance company.
You can email me directly and we can schedule a free 30 minute video consult to learn how I may be of assistance to your families health and wellness needs.